FN loses rising star: Marion Maréchal-Le Pen steps back from politics. For now.

“More people worship the rising sun than the setting sun,” a young and ambitious Roman general is said to have quipped ominously to the ageing dictator Sulla. For many in France’s Front National , the twenty-seven year old Marion Maréchal-Le Pen was the rising sun they saw as the future of their movement. But yesterday she announced her withdrawal from political life. At least for now. On Wednesday Marion Maréchal-Le Pen confirmed that she would not be seeking re-election to the National Assembly seat she has represented since 2012 (when she became the youngest French MP since Robespierre’s acolyte Louis Antoine de Saint-Just in 1791). Instead, she would be stepping back from frontline politics in order to concentrate on being a mother to her two-year old daughter and gain some life experience outside the political arena. But the wording of her statement makes clear that, far from ending her political career, her departure is intended to enhance a future retu...